This year for spring break we went to Pompano Beach, Florida. It's a few minutes from Ft. Lauderdale, and we go there every summer. Our grandparents own two condos there, so that's where we stayed.

But before we flew down there, we visited family in Illinois. We stayed at our grandparent's house and visited two of our new cousins, Elizabeth (Elly) and Nathaniel (Nathan) on Saturday. Then on Sunday we drove to our aunt and uncle's house. We visited our cousins Cassidy and Gavin (we like to call him "G"). Cassidy loved playing with Ethan (she called him "Guy" -- no clue why) and we ordered in Thai food for dinner.

We got to Florida on Monday afternoon and left Friday morning. For a lunch/snack on Monday we got Stinger's pizza, our favorite. Then we went to Aruba's for dinner. I (Kelsey) got sesame-crusted salmon, which I LOVE! Ethan tried something new and got Seafood Alfredo.
On Tuesday we went down to the beach, looked for shells, swam in the pool and ocean, read by the pool, and got tan/sunburned! For dinner we went to Gianni's, another family favorite. We love their garlic-y rolls! I got pizza and Ethan got stuffed shells.

On Wednesday the waves we bigger so we got to do some boogie-boarding and skim-boarding. For dinner we went to Sea Watch, yet another favorite place. I was seafood-ed out, so I got a bacon cheeseburger. Ethan got a steak. Then we decided to go get ice cream from Maggie Moo's.

Thursday was our last full day, so we enjoyed our last of the warm weather. We went to Bonefish Mac's for dinner, which we'd only been two once or twice. Everybody got either a burger or a sandwich. We finished our Yahtzee tournament (we played each night) and I won! The first night I did horribly, but the other nights I got

really lucky! My high score was 309. Friday we flew back and we hung out the rest of the weekend at home.
We love your blog, you guys have been busy. We can't wait to see you this summer!
mmmmmm Maggie Moo's... mmmmmm
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