Every year, its a tradition for our family to carve our Halloween pumpkins the night before Halloween. We use assorted different stencils, cookie cuttters and wooden hammers, and lots of cutting tools. We each always do our own, except our dad gets out the pumpkin goop.
This year, I (Ethan) made the phamtom (third from left). Kelsey made the traditional pumpkin face (like she always does). Our mom made the haunted tree on the left that looks like a spider, and our Dad made Domo. In case you don't know who Domo is, he looks like this.

This year, I (Ethan) made the phamtom (third from left). Kelsey made the traditional pumpkin face (like she always does). Our mom made the haunted tree on the left that looks like a spider, and our Dad made Domo. In case you don't know who Domo is, he looks like this.

Impressive pumpkins!!! Love all your entries! See you guys in a few days.
Your pumpkins look awesome!! You guys are so creative. I enjoyed seeing your costumes on the other posts, and hearing about the trick-or-treating, sleep overs and parties. Sounds like you guys really had a great Halloween.
Can't believe it's already 2009. I enjoyed seeing you at Christmastime and can't wait to see you again in February.
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