Saturday, January 17, 2009

Snow Fun with the Cousins

Over Christmas, I (Ethan) was in Rockford, IL, and played in the snow with my cousins Michael, Emily and Ellie. Kelsey didn't want to come out! Me and Michael made a huge snow fort that had peep holes inside it and shelves to hold snowballs. We got a bunch of sleds and tried to sled down my grandparents' front yard. It worked pretty well. It was pretty cold, and we came inside after we were done to get warm by the fire (and take a hot shower). My cousins probably really liked it because they live in Texas where there isn't any snow!

Food Sculptures

My (Ethan) friend Sam gave me a calendar last year that had pictures of food sculptures. I really liked it. Yesterday, I was using a gift card at Borders and found a new one. I really like all the pictures in it. Then, I figured out on the computer that he has a book about his food sculptures and lots of pictures online too. I put some here for you to see. If you want to see more, Google Saxton Freymann. He's the artist. A book about his sculptures would be a good birthday idea for me!